One thing we get asked quite often is what product manufacturer and product line do we use for boat wraps, and of course that leads to the question why.
Well, as with everything, it depends greatly on the application, the desired look, and how long it is meant to last. This can be anything from a 1 day branding through to a long-life hull or cabin wrap, with a desire for a carbon look finish through to a high gloss metallic colour.
I won't keep you in suspense any longer. For hull wraps and wherever we can we use 3M products. Now for your next question, why?

You may think that we use 3M as we are Gold Certified 3M Partners, however, that actually came about after we had chosen to use 3M 4 years before.
The reason that we had chosen the 3M line of wrap products was mainly threefold:
The main reason, the 3M product seemed to outlast anything else we tried, and seemed to vastly outlast warranty and expected lifespan.
The warranty was not de-rated for marine use. Important, as we want our marine customers to know clearly what cover they have.
The product development has been amazing, making the product extremely easy to apply, saving time and therefore cost for you the customer.
The support from 3M and their supplier network has been exceptional giving us confidence that they will support their product.
3M has a specific brochure on Watercraft Graphics, added below and uploaded as a PDF for your reference.
While this is tailored more for printed or cut graphics for boats, the majority of the Innovative Marine Coatings wraps are single colour wraps to simulate paintwork (respray or roller and tip being the most common methods).
